
Basic Music Terms and their Definitions by Valerie Fahren

Basic Music Terms and their Definitions by Valerie Fahren


“I am releasing this booklet because there have been many times a student or working professional has been unable to understand certain terms or applying there craft in Music in general, Singing, Piano and Guitar. Some have given up learning because of this. I have taken the time to put together some of the most basic words for your use, because there are so many words and dictionaries available one can get overwhelmed with information. These are the most practical and most important words in my professional experience and research in education of music. I am sure it is possible for one to find more words and definitions, but these are the definitions that I use the most and are my successful actions on the teaching and applying the important and basic words of music that assist one in learning their crafts the best and the swiftest of over 1000 subjects/students” - Valerie Fahren

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Valerie Fahren is an expert in Music Development and Education. She is an accomplished Recording Artist, Performing Artist and Artist Development/Vocal Coach and resides in Los Angeles. Along with over 25 years of education and research she has become one of the top professionals in the US, for Vocal Coaching, Artist Development and Production.

“I am releasing this booklet because there have been many times a student or working professional has been unable to understand certain terms or applying there craft in Music in general, Singing, Piano and Guitar. Some have given up learning because of this. I have taken the time to put together some of the most basic words for your use, because there are so many words and dictionaries available one can get overwhelmed with information. These are the most practical and most important words in my professional experience and research in education of music. I am sure it is possible for one to find more words and definitions, but these are the definitions that I use the most and are my successful actions on the teaching and applying the important and basic words of music that assist one in learning their crafts the best and the swiftest of over 1000 subjects/students”

“Enjoy and may you learn more with ease!”

“This book is for the beginning music student in high school through college and beyond. Musicians, Singers and Songwriters also can benefit from this book. The following pages include the most correct definition for usage and application and its basic etymology (where the words come from historically).”

“The information in this book is professional opinion based on research and application to assist students and musicians around the world. Many hours, days and nights and years have been put into this book.”

“I have provided the derivation (see der. under each definition) or etymology of the words if you would like to know where the word came from originally.”

- Valerie Fahren