Backstage: How to Showcase Your Musical Theater Talents in Los Angeles
Most people think of NYC or the West End when it comes to musical theater, but Los Angeles is actually a close third for these opportunities. In fact, I got my Equity card doing musical theater in L.A. years ago and I have many clients who got their start on Broadway or professional Equity theater by doing shows and auditions out west.
It can certainly be easier to attend Broadway auditions if you live in New York, but theater CDs do come to Los Angeles to find talent. What’s more, there are some great pockets in L.A. for theater opportunities, like Burbank, Hollywood, West Hollywood, Larchmont, and Silver Lake.
Here are some key points to consider to when it comes to musical theater in Los Angeles:
1. Equity vs. Non-Equity
If you want to be Equity, look for the shows offering Equity vouchers for new members. (Backstage is a great resource for this!) If you’re non-Equity, there are a lot of pro-type, non-Equity theaters that have great opportunities and shows that can get you noticed. See a lot of shows and figure out which theaters and companies you’d like to perform with. Just remember that if you do choose to become an Equity member, you won’t be able to do non-Equity theater anymore... READ MORE